Bolster your airline deicing program with SureOps Hub
Is your airline's internal ground icing operations program outdated, ineffective or being maintained by personnel with little or no expertise in aircraft ground deicing?
Is your airline's internal ground icing operations program outdated, ineffective or being maintained by personnel with little or no expertise in aircraft ground deicing?
When people ask me what I do for a living and I explain that I work in aircraft ground deicing, the question I am most frequently asked is what do I do with all my spare time during summer months.
The user communities for SureConsult's SureOps Ground Deicing Program and SureAudit Shared Deicing Audit Program have expanded with the recent addition of Morningstar Air Express.
Audits are conducted to ensure the provider conducts safe and efficient operations in accordance with regulations, standards, and programs, and that personnel are trained, qualified, and monitored.