
Bolster your airline deicing program with SureOps Hub

October 5, 2024

Is your airline’s internal ground icing operations program outdated, ineffective or being maintained by personnel with little or no expertise in aircraft ground deicing?

Are you tired of scraping by and putting Band-Aids on your winter operating problems? Do you need to rapidly improve overall performance, efficiency or safety in deicing operations or gain a competitive advantage? If so, we have the solution for you, and it’s called SureOps Hub.

You’re not alone in these struggles by the way. Many small- to medium-sized airlines (and even some large airlines) currently lack focused internal expertise in aircraft ground icing or have outsourced many or all aspects of their deicing operations to third-party vendors. As a result of this lack of internal expertise and strong regulatory guidance and oversight, airline ground icing operations programs often resemble a patchwork quilt with numerous unconnected elements, resulting in a misalignment of documented flight operations’ procedures with industry deicing standards and best practices.

SureOps Hub is SureConsult’s Ground Icing Operations Program that is focused on flight operations. SureOps Hub is designed to be the foundational program for the airline, and is fully compliant with regulatory requirements and SAE Global Deicing Standards. It employs a harmonized and simplified approach to ensure that airlines and deicing service providers operate to the same procedures and standards. To boot, SureOps Hub has been designed to fully align with the SureOps Ground Deicing Program for service providers, which results in full alignment of processes for flight crews and ground crews with minimal procedural differences. Can you imagine a world where flight operations, ground operations, training, and quality management all align in one standard? Oh wait, it’s here, and it’s called SureOps.

Like all other SureOps solutions, Hub is designed to be employed off the shelf and only requires the insertion of small amounts of specific content. SureOps Hub can also be fully configured to the needs of any customer, big, small, or anywhere in between. If want to learn more about Hub or the SureOps suite of solutions, contact us here.