SureOps Hub is our turnkey solution to improve and modernize an air carrier’s internal ground icing program.

Airlines are regulated to develop and maintain a Ground Icing Operations Program that details how the company will manage flight operations in ground icing conditions. The Program provides the specific procedures to be followed by internal and external deicing service providers, and outlines management structure, training, and quality requirements amongst many other elements.

As a regulatory-approved program, the airline’s Program is intended to be the core of its internal ground deicing processes and procedures, and all internal personnel and external providers are required to be trained and to operate to the airline’s Program to ensure that operations are conducted safely, efficiently, and in full compliance with the Clean Aircraft Concept.

Most airlines currently lack internal expertise in aircraft ground icing or have outsourced many or all aspects of their deicing operations to third-party vendors. As a result of this lack of internal expertise and focused regulatory guidance and oversight, airline Programs are commonly outdated and ineffective, which results in a misalignment of documented procedures with industry deicing standards and best practices.

Why SureOps Hub?

SureOps Hub is SureConsult’s Ground Icing Operations Program that is focused on flight operations. SureOps Hub is designed to be the foundational program for the airline and is fully compliant with regulatory requirements and SAE Global Deicing Standards. It employs a harmonized and simplified approach to ensure that airlines and deicing service providers operate to the same procedures and standards. To boot, SureOps Hub has been designed to fully align with the SureOps Ground Deicing Program for service providers, which results in full alignment of processes for flight crews and ground crews with minimal procedural differences.

SureOps Hub is designed to be employed off the shelf and only requires the insertion of specific content by the airline. It can also be fully configured to the needs of any customer, big, small, or anywhere in between.