
The SureOps Ground Deicing Program is a comprehensive, harmonized aircraft ground deicing operations and training program that is designed as a turnkey solution for air carriers and service providers of all shapes and sizes. SureOps is the most widely used deicing program in Canada and provides all the policies and procedures needed for safe and efficient deicing operations.

In SureOps, you get a program that:

  • Is developed to the highest quality standard.
  • Includes high resolution photos, exceptional videos with voiceovers, and thoughtful animations designed with the student in mind.
  • Harmonizes differences between air carrier programs.
  • Exceeds all Transport Canada and FAA regulatory requirements and SAE standards.
  • Contains all program elements (manuals, SOPs, training programs, data forms, exams, training record forms, etc.).

How SureOps works:

  • We own and maintain SureOps on an annual basis.
  • We undertake discussions with the air carriers to maintain program approvals.
  • We license use of the program, and pricing is based on the size of operation.

SureOps is a non-configurable off-the-shelf solution that is cost-effective for all operators big or small.

SureOps Lite is a scaled-down version of our flagship SureOps Ground Deicing Program, designed for simpler deicing operations that employ only Type 1 deicing fluid.

Subscribers to SureOps Lite use training programs, participant workbooks, data forms and exams that have been simplified to align with the needs of such operations, allowing the subscriber to achieve best-in-class performance with a more focused program.

SureOps Plus is a configurable version of our SureOps Ground Deicing Program, which allows the subscriber to partially or fully tailor multiple program elements to their specific needs.

Subscribers to SureOps Plus can include details of their operation within the framework of the off-the-shelf SureOps, thus creating a configured version of SureOps that is specific to the subscriber. Configurable program elements include the types of aircraft handled or operated, deicing vehicles used, communication procedures employed, specific de/anti-icing fluids handled and used, fluid testing procedures, aircraft spray patterns, and no-spray zones. Subscribers to SureOps Plus may also develop exams and participant workbook exercises that are fully adapted to their particular student needs.

Subscriber logos, branding and visual content (photos, videos, animations) can also be employed with SureOps Plus, to better demonstrate specific details of the operation, improve student engagement and enhance internal brand recognition.

SureOps Hangar is our turnkey operating and training solution for companies and personnel that perform anti-icing operations in a hangar using thickened Type 3 or Type 4 anti-icing fluids.

SureOps Hangar consists of an innovative, off-the-shelf Standard Operating Procedure for indoor anti-icing operations combined with our online Hangar Anti-Icing Training Program, both of which are updated annually to ensure ongoing compliance of the programs with industry regulations and standards.

SureOps Hangar is the ultimate solution for companies performing indoor anti-icing operations, offering a modern and focused approach at an incomparable price point.

SureAudit is our turnkey deicing audit solution aimed to enhance safety, improve deicing performance and compliance across an air carrier’s winter operating network.

Simply put, SureAudit is a shared deicing audit performed by SureConsult quality experts on behalf of numerous air carrier partners at a given airport. As part of the comprehensive SureAudit solution, we prepare the audit, travel to and from the audit site, conduct the audit, complete the audit checklist and audit report, develop the corrective action plan, work with the deicing service provider to close the findings, and finally issue the audit closure letter, thus completing all A-to-Z audit tasks and closing the loop for the client. All that is required from our air carrier partners is to identify which airports require a SureAudit, and we handle the rest.

As there are numerous carriers in the audit pool at each airport, the costs associated with the audit are shared by the community and are a fraction of the cost of trying to resource and manage an effective deicing audit program internally.

The Shared Deicing Audit Program for Winter 2024-25 will consist of over 40 SureAudits conducted right across Canada for numerous air carrier partners. SureAudit is intended to either reinforce, supplement, or replace an air carrier’s current internal audit efforts, and since each airport in the Program is treated as a separate audit pool, each carrier is free to select the airports at which they receive the SureAudit solution.