TC and FAA release 2024-25 holdover time guidance
Transport Canada and the Federal Aviation Administration released their respective de/anti-icing fluid holdover time guidance today for Winter 2024-25.
Transport Canada and the Federal Aviation Administration released their respective de/anti-icing fluid holdover time guidance today for Winter 2024-25.
Ever wonder why some aircraft taxiing away from a de/anti-icing operation have vertical stabilizers that are painted yellow or green because of anti-icing fluid application while others aren’t?
SureConsult's second deicing train-the-trainer session of the 2024-25 winter season with Canadian North at Iqaluit Airport is officially in the books.
The month of July has barely begun and SureConsult's first deicing train-the-trainer session of the 2024-25 winter season is already in the books.
While most are gearing up for summer vacations, SureConsult is about to embark on its most ambitious deicing training season ever with our first session of the year in Iqaluit, Nunavut, on July 3.
The expansion of the operating network is a testament to the value that SureOps provides our air carrier, airport, and deicing service provider customers across the country.
The user communities for SureConsult's SureOps Ground Deicing Program and SureAudit Shared Deicing Audit Program have expanded with the recent addition of Morningstar Air Express.
Aircraft deicing is a highly niche part of airline operations, requiring expertise, time-proven programs, and strong oversight to achieve performance, compliance, and safety of operations.
We've often been asked during training sessions and audits why the anti-icing fluid minimums were removed from the various service provider and air carrier deicing programs.
Audits are conducted to ensure the provider conducts safe and efficient operations in accordance with regulations, standards, and programs, and that personnel are trained, qualified, and monitored.